It's kind of crazy that I've been gone for six years now, but Phoenix is still 'home'. I'm not sure if it will always be like that for me. Kind of makes sense because I've lived kind of nomadically since I left home, never staying in one apartment for very long. Raleigh, I think, I could definitely call home someday... if we stayed. But more than likely we won't be, which is sad, because I'm really liking the city, love our ward, and love being close to family. Although, we do have the potential to stay in Raleigh for 3ish more years; Tucker just needs to decide if he wants to get his PhD. I'd be fine if he decided that. I'll be fine if he decides he's done with school, as well.
I'm home in Phoenix till Wednesday. Been here since this past Tuesday. I haven't really done much, just mostly hung out at home with my parents and Nettie. That was kind of the main point in coming anyways, so that they could see her again while she's still smallish. Jenna was able to come home for the weekend, which was awesome. It's crazy how much we like each other now, considering all the fighting and disliking we did when we were younger. I was sad to see her leave tonight; had to concentrate really hard on not crying in the airport (but she failed, both when she got here and when she left). We must figure out a way to live close to each other someday.
We had a nice day yesterday filled with family. Got to see my oldest brother and his family (and his kids are so big now it's crazy!), and my Uncle Ron and Aunt Pam. The day was super fun, and apparently exhausting because I fell asleep at like 7:30.
The home ward was great (as usual), though there are so many people that I don't recognize in it now. It's kind of strange being a "grown-up" in the ward. I remember being a kid, watching all the teenagers leave for college, then get married and start coming back to visit with their kids. Now I'm doing that..... weird.
Nettie has been pretty good on this trip. Not gonna lie, I was like super stressed to fly with her. She's normally not a big fan of sitting (while being held) for long periods of time, and that's basically all I can do on the flights. But we survived. The first flight people were super helpful. I was in the last group to board the plane and had a diaper bag and backpack with me plus Nettie, so when I got to my row to sit down, I looked at my seat and then at my bags and must have looked frazzled or something cause a bunch of people sitting near me asked to help me out. I'm so glad there are decent and nice people in the world. Couldn't have made this trip without strangers offering assistance along the way. Also glad that the older lady I sat next to on the flight didn't care when spit up rolled off of me and onto her. And glad that she and the guy sitting on my other side didn't complain when Nettie pooped with an hour left in the flight (this poop ended up as a blow-out too.... yeah....). Second flight Nettie just slept the whole time, so it went much more smoothly, all in all, than I pictured it going. Now we just have to make it home to Raleigh, and I'm sure I'll stress over that trip until it's over.
And tonight I was able to get together with a few of my high school friends (as well as some of their new friends). It's awesome that no matter how long I'm gone for I can just come back and basically pick up where I left off with them. Pretty sure I'll be able to call them my friends for my whole life, which is great, cause they're all awesome people. I wish that I could come home more often to visit, but I'm glad that I can always see them on the few times that I do come home.
But yes. My trip has been good thus far. I've been really bad at taking pictures so far, but I always am. I'll just steal pictures from my mom and Jenna eventually.