Sunday, January 30, 2011

Oh yeah....

Before I forget about this...

The other night when Tucker and I were going to Shad and Katie's (Tucker's bro and his wife) house for D&D, Tucker said, "You can't be almost six months pregnant right now. The baby is due at the end of May and that's four months away, not three."

Apparently Tucker didn't know that a pregnancy is actually 40 weeks long. I thought that was just common knowledge. Am I wrong?

17 Weeks and Counting

So I've decided that the baby moving recently mostly feels like a muscle twitch. I'm sure that will change as she gets bigger, but for now, the bumps and nudges aren't super strong. Although... the other night when we were going to bed, Baby was moving up a storm, so I pressed Tucker's hand on my stomach to see if he could feel anything, and he felt her move!! It was pretty cool.

I'm right about 23 and a half weeks now. Still not looking nearly as pregnant as I would like. Seems like all the pictures I see of friends or friends of friends (cause I'm a major facebook stalker) have the moms with cute bellies like weeks ahead of me. Guess I just have nice deep hips that the baby likes to sit back in. Tucker thinks I'm crazy that I want to be bigger than I am right now, because it probably means I won't be ridiculously huge towards the end. I just want it to be obvious that I'm pregnant and not just super chubby or something.

Next doctor's appointment is on Feb. 7th, so next week. Not really sure what's going to happen at that one, but I'm just glad I didn't have to wait for like a billion weeks again in between check-ups. Probably in the beginning of March I'll have to have a Level 2 ultrasound. Not entirely sure what that means, but I was told that because my brother was born with a "hole" in his heart, they wanted to check the baby's heart to make sure everything was ok. Also, they told me my placenta was low, but that wasn't really anything to be worried about because the placenta moves around (?), but they wanted to check on that again to be safe I guess.

People keep asking if we have a name picked out for the baby yet, and the answer is both yes and no. We've had names that we've liked since before we got married (yeah, we jumped the gun a little, but whatevs). Before I had the names all paired up with middle names too, but I'm changing my mind on that because I have a certain middle name I want to use pretty much regardless of which first name we pick (Janet, after my mom). But yeah, we've decided that we aren't going to pick a name for the baby until she's actually here and we've met her. And because I'm sure at least someone will want to know what the contenders are, here ya go: Charlotte, Emmeline, and Abigail. Those are our favorites. If we pick Emmeline (Emme) or Abigail, her middle name will be Janet, but if we pick Charlotte (might go by Lotte, haven't decided yet), I'm pretty sure her middle name will be DeRue (after my mom's mom). My mother-in-law loves that combo, by the way, and she's told me that she already calls the baby Charlotte, hahaha! So she's definitely rooting for that name I guess.

Ok, so this next part might be a bit TMI, but I've definitely accepted that I'm pregnant now. Obviously because I can feel the baby moving, but also because I have the urge to pee, like, all the freaking time, including when I don't actually have to go. It's kind of annoying, and yet, funny at the same time, because anytime I leave the house, I make sure I go, and then no matter how long I'm gone, by the time I get home and get into our apartment I feel like I'm going to explode, haha! Yeah... I'm sure most of you didn't really want or care to know that, but hey, my blog, I get to share what I want.

Monday, January 10, 2011

It's a..........

GIRL!!!!!! Ten points for me, I was right! Super excited, due date is May 29th so I guessed right on that as well. There's a picture from the ultrasound up on facebook that I don't really feel like posting here right now cause it's uncomfortable using the laptop in the car and I want to get off soon. But yes, a girl. :)

And to be honest Lindsey, your comment on my last post made me worry it was going to be a boy and I was going to be disappointed, haha, I'm dumb. Oh well.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Yay for Stealing Wifi

This post is being written from my car in a parking lot at NC State while I wait for Tucker to get done with work. I'm only writing it here cause we don't have internet right now at our new apartment, which sucks majorly by the way.

Just thought I'd let you all know that I'm still planning on blogging, but I've been fairly busy/pre-occupied with stuff for the past month or so. It happens. We are all moved into our new apartment though and really loving it. It's a million times better than our old apartment (mostly because we don't have little bugs crawling all over everything), and once I get internet working in our apartment I'll put up some pictures of it.

Also, I've got a doctors appointment on Monday. This one should be more exciting than just getting blood drawn. I'm really really really really hoping that we can get an ultrasound while we're there, not only because I want them to measure the baby to find out if my guess of a due date is accurate, but I'll also be "20 weeks" (again, could be wrong about that, I'm just guessing) and that means we can find out what we're having!!!!!!!! Yeah, we're finding out. Can't remember if I put that decision up here or not. Cross your fingers for me that it's a girl, cause that's what I want; a boy would be super too, but I really want a girl.

Anyways, that's it for now.