Wednesday, August 7, 2013

21 Weeks

Ok, so not quite 21 weeks, technically that's on Friday, but close enough for me.  Anywho, I finally took a "belly picture", something I've been putting off cause I was afraid I just look extra fat lately and not actually pregnant.  I know I definitely feel pregnant; like, can't lean forward when I sit without multiple kicks of protest, have a hard time getting off the floor when I sit down to do things with Nettie, have EXTREME round ligament pain (it's bad... really, really bad), and I can never seem to find a comfortable position when I sleep at night (I sleep on the couch currently cause our bed was just too hard for me with the whole having to sleep on my side thing).  Enough rambling, though.  Picture!

Disregard the fact that I have to use our tablet to take a picture; it's currently the only camera we have (Nettie dipped my digital camera in the sink).  For comparison, this post was me at 24 weeks with Nettie.  Apparently I didn't take any pictures of myself sooner than that when I was pregnant with her.  Oh well.  I definitely look bigger in this picture, though I'm sure some of that just has to do with the weight I've added on since two and a half years ago.  If I actually make it to 37 weeks... I'm kind of scared to know how big I'll be.

In the worry department this week, there are a couple of things.  Least worrisome, we have to move.  Apparently you can't have more than 2 adults and 2 kids in a 2 bedroom apartment.  *Sigh*  When I talked to the office here at our complex about it, they gave us the option of transferring to a 3 bedroom place here without any penalties or fees whenever we want (we just signed our lease again in June), or they said we could just wait till our lease was up next summer to move and it wouldn't be a problem.  So we had the choice of moving with or without babies, and we've decided to do the move before they come.  Basically by either the end of this month or the end of September we'll be in a new place.  Woooo?

Worrisome thing number two: the internet.  This is mostly my fault though.  Whenever I get bored, I got searching for stuff about twins, twins support sites, random blogs, etc, and all that you ever find (or at least a very large majority of the time) is the tragic scary stories about people delivering at like 24 and crazy NICU stuff, or losing one of the twins, or other sad scenarios.  I'm making myself paranoid.  Also, a thing called TTTS (Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome), which is something that can only happen with identical twins.  Basically because both babies umbilical cords are hooked to the same placenta, stuff can happen where one baby is receiving more blood and nourishment from me and the other starts to fall behind in growth.  This can develop at any time in the pregnancy, and can come about fairly suddenly.  TTTS is one of the reasons they like to do so many ultrasounds with twins (so far I've had a doctor's appointment every month, a separate ultrasound appointment, and a home visit nurse person), but from what I'm reading, I'm on the low end of what is standard.  Most mo/di twin pregnancies have ultrasounds every two weeks after you're 16 weeks along.  I'm gonna ask about that tomorrow at my appointment.

Third worrisome thing: potty training.  I've decided to try and do this with Nettie probably starting next week, but I honestly have no idea how to even go about doing this, even though I've read lots of stuff on it.  Although, she's pretty good about going poo on the potty if I catch her before or in the act of it, haha!  Today, for instance, she started concentrating real hard, so I asked her if she wanted to go on the potty but she said no and ran off, then I went about my business getting her a drink of juice ready, but she came in really upset with me, still with the ultra-concentration face on and wouldn't let me do anything till I took her into the bathroom and set her on the toilet.  She had held pretty much most of it in till we got there.  It was impressive.  So, that sort of thing is encouraging, but Nettie has a drink with her pretty much all throughout the day, so pee is going to be another story.  I doubt she has any idea about what bladder control is yet.  Blah.

I think that's it for this post though...  Can't believe I actually wanted to sit down and write something up.  Haven't been motivated like that in forever!

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