Anywho, since I last posted, Tucker and I got ourselves our anniversary present to each other a little early. This was totally Tucker's idea too, there was no prompting or hinting on my part at all. We got a second guinea pig!!!! Now Chimi (the one we already had) has a friend: Changa. And to celebrate their namesake, we had chimichanga's the day after we got Changa. It took them a little while to get used to each other, but they get along really well now. I have suspicions that Chimi thinks Changa is a girl, mostly because he tends to purr when ever Changa walks by and... other events that have happened.... yeah. For clarification, they're both boys.
I also did Activity day today with the girls in my ward, and we made Chia pets out of panty hose. I originally got this idea from Lois while we were out on the East coast, so thanks Lois! The only hard part about this little project was driving around to find grass seed, finally went to Lowes and they had some, but yeah, only got it a couple hours before the activity was to take place, so I was beginning to think of other things we could do in place of the chia pets. In the end it worked out nicely, and the girls had a fun time making them.
cool how did you make those?
Well... the 'container' for the chia pet is the lower half of panty hose, the toe of it is the head of it. You put some grass seed in the toe, and then stuff either sawdust or cotton balls on top of that to form the head. Tie a knot to hold it all in, and then decorate the 'head' however you want. Once it's done, put the tail of the panty hose in a glass of water (not the cotton balls though) and the grass should grow in a few days.
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