Tuesday, April 21, 2009


A cheap, fun hobby. I've decided I'm kind of a loser because of the fact that I don't do anything cool like scrapbooking or quilting. I would really love to pick up something like that, but I don't have basically any money. So if anybody out there knows of a hobby that I could pick up that doesn't require a big chunk of change every time you want to do it, let me know.


Cathryn said...

hmm, good question! These sound totally lame, but reading is cheap when you have access to libraries. If you go to goodreads.com, you can get more recommendations based on books you've liked than you would ever want. What else...well, Scott and I like to go for walks...oh, you can try picking up a little web programming. Your blog already looks super cute, so you could definitely try Google Sites--you can make your own website at sites.google.com. It's super easy and it's free, and it's fun :) If you google "html basics" you can pick up on some really simple html/web programming/design stuff, too. Good luck! I'll let you know if I think of anything...more interesting. :) I'm looking for new hobbies too, since school is no longer an excuse!

Francesca said...

I'm in the same boat as you, Lauren!