Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day 2008

So first, can I just say that I absolutely L-O-V-E long weekends. They're amazing!

Anywho, this past weekend Tucker and I drove down to Kanab (small town on the southern border of Utah and Arizona) to spend time with my family. It's kind of a tradition in my family to go there on Memorial Day Weekend; I remember going there every year when I was little, and it was always a total blast. It's my mom's mom's (so Grammy's) side of the family that goes cause apparently our ancestors helped to found that town. And from what I understand, we're also related to 3/4's of the people buried in the cemetery there (totally awesome, huh).

It was great going down again this year cause I've got some crazy fun relatives. We spent most of our time with Roger and Janet (Roger is my mom's cousin) playing games. And it was also nice to go down to Kanab because the last time we were there, Tucker and I were still dating (yes, Tucker visited me there in Kanab last year). Kind of weird to think that we've been together for more than a year, not married for a year, but just together. I'm feel lucky every day cause I've found him and because I get to spend the rest of... well, forever with him.

In other news, I finally get to start my job this week. That's right, I get to be an assistant manager finally at my neighborhood pool. OH!!! And I'm doing my first activity for my calling today. I'm the activity day leader (which was Achievement day when I was in primary). Basically I do fun stuff with the 8-11 year old girls in my ward. We're making journals today. I'm soooooo excited!!

1 comment:

alirara said...

Exciting!! I remember one of my first Mia Maids activities when you were the president (i think) and you and Julia made us all journals. I still have mine. Congratulations on the job that's wicked sweet awesome.