Sunday, May 1, 2011

Holy Moley it's May

It's kind of hard to believe that after all the waiting and daydreaming, May has finally arrived.  I know this probably sounds fairly stupid, but I still don't think it's fully hit me exactly how drastically my life will be changing in a few short weeks.  It's still hard to believe that there's actually a baby inside of me right now even though she moves all the time to make her presence known.  What if I'm not ready for this?

Ha.  Funny that after 9 months of feeling confident that I could totally handle whatever was coming my way with this I'm finally starting to have worries and doubts.  It's only natural though, I suppose.  Still... I'm nervous. 

People have asked me throughout the whole pregnancy if I was worried about labor and such, and honestly, I really wasn't.  I've known for quite some time that I was going to be getting an epidural.  I have no false ideas about me being a pansy when it comes to pain.  Certainly if it came down to it, I would have little Baby naturally if I needed to, but I really don't want to. :)  But now that I could potentially go into labor any day, I'm feeling anxious about the pain that I'm going to experience before I get the blessed relief of an epidural.  Not only that, but I'm really, really worried about the pain/uncomfortableness that will come after baby is born. 

I know I'll survive it all though, and it's going to be one of the best experiences of my life.  And I'm super grateful that I'll have more than one sister-in-law close by to help me out or give me advice if I need it. 

I guess what it comes down to is: we're ready for you Baby.

Bring it on!


Unknown said...

You are going to be a great mom!
It will be hard, you will be exhausted, you won't know what you're doing half the time, you'll call your mom a lot in tears asking for help...
I am very jealous of you right now, you have no idea. You're going to love every minute of it!

I am SO excited for this new little bundle that is coming into your life!!!

Cathryn said...

Don't worry too much about the pain of labor--it builds over time, so it doesn't take you by surprise too badly & your body knows what it's doing. I won't say it doesn't hurt, :) but you really will be ok. I didn't get the epidural finally in until I was in transition, so it was painful, but you kind of go into this other reality mentally and you figure out how to deal with it as you go. Just breathe and know that it doesn't last forever. And honestly, I can't speak for anyone else about pain afterward, but my 2nd degree tears barely bothered me at all. They gave me a prescription for percocet or lortab or something but I didn't even fill it--the ibuprofen was more than enough to make me feel fine.

I'm SO excited for you!! You are going to love it so much! You will do fantastic. Don't stress about not knowing what to do; babies are pretty forgiving and they don't need much at first--just food and clean diapers and lots of kisses. :) Yay for you!!