Friday, May 6, 2011

What's in a name?

Picking the name that a person is going to be called the rest of their life is just kind of a daunting task.  I can understand how some people pick their child's name before they're born because they like a name (or whatever), and I've got a list of names that I like, but every time I think I'm getting closer to pinning down one that I like "the best" I completely change my mind.

What if I get sick of the name a few years down the road?  It's happened before with me.  There were names that I absolutely loved in high school and was positive that I would someday use for my children, but I can't stand them now.  Also, what if the name we chose isn't easy to scold with, or call from across the house, or some such thing?  Seriously stressful.

I'm posting about this because my little name poll has closed, and the obvious winner was 'Charlotte'.  But I can already tell you we don't know if this will be her name.  We're not even sure anymore if we're going to use the names that were on our original "short list".  So there.

We just can't bring ourselves to name little Baby before we meet her.  After all, she has to look like a Charlotte, or an Emmeline, or whatever, if we're going to name her that and we have yet to see her.  Maybe we'll just use the nickname my parents have given her--Roscoe.

Very frustrating.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I have had many a person tell me that they just looked at their child and knew exactly what their name should be. People that had names already picked out and set in stone, and people that absolutely could not decide have told me this.
Names are important, just don't name her Bertha. I hate that name. Totally ruined Jane Eyre for me.
Name her Jane! :)

The Petersons said...

You will love the name no matter what because you love your baby.
You won't get sick of it. I think children become their name!

It is a daunting task, but I promise you won't regret your choice.

Lauren said...

Haha, the name Bertha was actually on a list of the top ten most hated baby names that I found last night; funny that you would mention it Lindsey.